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Posi-Joists – versatility and efficiency


Posi-Joists are engineered flooring joists that provide increased design flexibility thanks, for the most part, to the fact that they are capable of longer spans than alternative timber products. The open web design is another factor in the flexibility of Posi-Joists. How do these unique characteristics enable this versatility? Longer spans Posi-Joists are capable of

The acoustic and fire performance of Posi-Joists


Posi-Joists have tested extremely favourably in the UK and EU with regard to both fire resistance and sound resistance. These are both essential qualities in structures that will meet all the needs of a building’s owners and occupants. The unique design of Posi-Joists – provided the products are used with the correct floorboards, ensures that

How Posi-Joists make utilities installation easier


One of the primary benefits of MiTek’s Posi-Joists is that they make the installation and maintenance of HVAC and utilities much easier, quicker and more cost-effective.  The installation of utilities can be a costly and time-consuming part of construction, but Posi-Joists help to reduce both the monetary costs and the time spent on completing jobs.

Benefits of Posi-Joists


In response to the need to reduce costs and improve efficiency in the building industry, MiTek has developed the Posi-Joist system. These specially designed flooring joists are chord trusses that combine the lightness of timber with the strength of MiTek’s Posi-Strut steel web to allow greater spans and easier installation than would be possible with