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Keeping South African families safe since 1965

eCo Fasteners are timber and steel fastening devices that provide strong and rigid connections to any building structure in which they are applied.

The use of the appropriate fastener in the correct manner not only ensures strong connections, but also the structural integrity of the building.

100% compatible with Ulta-Span, our light guage steel truss system, eCo Fasteners are uniquely designed, durable, easy to use, load tested and marked for their respective applications. Thereby providing full compliance with CPA requirements. Available in over 800 hardware stores nationwide and used by over 160 licenced MiTek fabricators, eCo fasteners are ideal for South African conditions but are also extensively used in other parts of the world.

Accompanied by technical specifications and backup support from our dedicated teams of experienced professional engineers, DIY users and building professionals will find these fasteners offer multiple solutions and produce the safest connections of any building system.

eCo Fasteners are the recommended roof truss products and set the benchmark in timber and steel construction.

eCo Fasteners are setting the benchmark in timber and steel construction.